Saturday, September 15, 2007

Damaging Morale

I believe this goes especially for those senators & congressman running for President of the United States.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Sixth Anniversary of September 11th

Where were you?
I believe that we should still be seeing these images. Some liberals think that we have memorialized this tragic day for long enough.
I disagree. I think this day should live on in our hearts and our minds forver, so that we NEVER FORGET.

Usama Bin Laden to Address American People on 6th Anniversary of September 11th

The Associated Press & Fox News are reporting that there will be a video from Usama Bin Laden within the next 72 hours, directed at the American people.

The last time Bin Laden addressed the American public was just before the 2004 Presidential Election. Meanwhile, federal counterterrorism officials are analyzing a posting on an Islamic forum website that warns of "a special gift" to be given on the sixth anniversary of September 11th. The warning was posted Sept. 2 on a site frequented by radical groups and said in part that "there will be a special gift coming on the day of the blessed invasion of Manhattan."

Federal officials told FOX News they are trying to determine if it might be a specific warning or just part of broad chatter that has been heard during the last few months. Postings talking about "gifts" have been seen before in the days leading up to the anniversary of Sept. 11th.

---I for one am tired of living in fear. I am also tired of our country not being United as ONE. Remember, United we stand, Divided we fall. Perhaps a message from Bin Laden is what it will take for our country to stand together like we did after the attacks.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

John McCain Sings

John McCain says "Barbara Streisand has been trying to do my job for years, so now I'm trying to do hers"


i found this on & i laughed. LOVE IT!

If you were to ask the media to rank a list of evil things, Guantanamo detention center would be in the top five — beating out Adolf Hitler, suicide bombers, Dick Cheney, disposable diapers and fat children. Gitmo is their moral red herring: As long as they keep bringing it up, they can avoid any discussion of real evil in the world.

The American left says they hate Gitmo because they think war is bad, but trying to win one is worse. And to win one, you need to keep the bad guys off the playing field. But the American left also loves Gitmo, because it's their political fig leaf, the thing they hide behind when they've got nothing else.

But I'd be willing to close Gitmo, if you agree on my alternative: Let's call this "Adopt-a-Jihadist."

For the price of one cup of coffee a day — and not fancy blended coffee drinks like frappuccinos, though they are delicious — you can help save a grown man, like Mahmood.

Poor Mahmood. Since he was in his teens, he has been waging jihad against the criminal Zionist enemy. Yet today, he calls a 20 by 35-foot cell home, where he cannot even carry out a simple beheading. He lives on just three square meals a day, but he has so much love to give — and not just to 72 virgins.

Please — please! — Sean Penn, Michael Moore... are you listening? Won't you throw open your mansions to Mahmood and the other members of his terror cell? Their energy is infectious — some might even say it's explosive.

So please, adopt a beautiful, bouncing jihadist like Mahmood today. They're just dying to meet you.

And that's my gut feeling.

Greg Gutfeld hosts "Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld" weekdays at 2 a.m. ET. Send your comments to:

The Republican Debates in a Nutshell

  • Giuliani hasnt gotten over the fact that he is NOT the mayor of NYC anymore.
  • Huckabee thinks he's ironic and funny. This is actually quite annoying.
  • Romney is pulling an Edwards and trying to win on looks and charm. Which TOTALLY makes him qualified for the White House...huh?
  • Brownback. I love Jesus, but stop "thumping the Bible" -get the issues straight, and not just the social ones. No one wants a know nothing in the White House. Learn ALL the issues.
  • Tancredo is a racist idiot. I have never met a Tancredo supporter that I liked. Mostly because I don't like people who lack common sense...
  • Ron Paul hates freedom. (Chris Wallace made me so happy when he asked Ron Paul if he thought we should "take our marching orders from Al Queda?" LOVE IT!)
  • Hunter...does anyone really know who you are? Does anyone really believe you will win? (although I did REALLY appreciate his statement on the successes in Iraq over the last year, and with the surge -thank you McCain- and his appreciation for our Troops)
  • (Although he wasnt at the debates, I'm going to throw him in the mix): Fred Thompson is waiting to announce but I think he is alienating more would-be supporters than he is gaining them. National Polls are all over the place. Never believe the polls. Remember, just after the actual polls closed on Election Day, 2004 the national news media reported that John Kerry won; based on Exit Polling.

If you're American, you love freedom and you believe in less government and lower taxes, VOTE MCCAIN.